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warning signs of heart attack

                    What are the warning signs of a heart attack? 

A heart attack is a situation that can come at any point in time doesn't matter what age you have you are or what lifestyle you are following there are some influences but you cannot simply predict the occurrence of a heart attack so basically heart attack can indicate okay so before heart attack body indicates different with different symptoms and the indication can be two-three days before the heart attack or a week before the heart attack sometimes even some hours before the heart attack and people generally ignore these signs because the signs that the heart attack generally before higher direct body provides is interrelated to many other situations of our body so people generally ignore but don't ignore all these kind of science that we are going to discuss if you belong to any of the following conditions: 

One if you are overweight,

The second thing is if you have high blood cholesterol, 

the third is if you have high blood pressure and 

fourth if you are a patient with diabetes whether it's type 2 or type 1

 so if you belong to any of these four-category or you are a chain smoker or you drink alcohol quite uh like almost like a regular basis in that case always uh look for these signs and if if you see these signs then get it checked by a doctor and get it treated immediately because your life can change immediately once the onset of heart attack is there so 

what are the signs of heart attack that your body provides before the heart attack actually occurred: chest pain that may feel like pressure or tightness, okay it's something like hitting a punch in the chest exactly the location of the heart from that part the pain starts radiating from that part to the shoulder arm, back, neck, jaw, teeth or sometimes the upper belly of your body, then cold sweat, fatigue. Fatigue is another situation where you will feel very tired after walking down the stairs and also after genuine work, so this is another sign where when you speak a little loudly you'll become really tired or walk for some short stretch you feel tired heartburn or indigestion is another thing lightheadedness or sudden dizziness uh is another symptom nausea or feeling sick and regarding nausea and vomiting tendencies can be there shortness of breath. Okay, you feel like you're getting out of breathing that's another sign, and your legs feet and ankles are swollen sometimes that can be another indication and you get exhausted quite easily compared to a normal healthy person so if any of these signs are there if any of these signs are present then obviously rush to a doctor and visit a doctor and get yourself checked with your blood pressure with your sugar blood sugar. The blood cholesterol levels need to be monitored and if you have a family history of heart disease then of course after if you're a man after 40 years if you're a female after 45 years always get it checked. Get a routine checkup regarding your blood samples for the lipid profile in order to have a proper idea about the heart attack because these signs will be present for you like sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, exhaustion, and indigestion. People always confuse it with other things and it leads to heart attack and ultimately heart attack. If it's a massive heart attack the people, the person may die so always focus on all the signs your body is telling you and based on the science. If you belong to any of the categories that we discuss then, of course, take it seriously so that's all about the warning signs of a heart attack. 

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