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Climate change effects on the UK revealed

                      CHANGE EFFECTS ON THE UK

The UK is getting warmer and wetter in fact since records began all 10 of its hottest years have happened after 2002 evidence from a new Met Office report on our changing planet the top three coldest years were all in the 19th century so we've got a stark separation between the coldest years in the series and the warmest years in the series and this is reflecting or emphasizing that point that our climate is changing there is now massive pressure from the public to act the UK is committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Part of the Paris climate agreement that many campaigners want rich developed nations to go further and faster at the moment we have targets through we have carbon budgets and the ones for 2030 and beyond we know we're not going to meet we need more policies, so we need to back ambition up with action how to make progress is an issue that governments all over the world are grappling with. Still, not everyone's moving at the same pace in America climate change has become a defining issue of the Democratic. Presidential race and in September leaders from all over the world are going to gather here in New York to make more commitments on climate action but on the other side you've got the Republican Party and Donald Trump who doesn't believe that humans contribute significantly to global warming and who came to office pledging to protect the fossil fuel industry the u.s. is one of the world's biggest polluters increasingly affected by wild weather and natural disasters but an awful lot hangs on the outcome of the 2020 election meanwhile the global impact of climate change continues in Europe record-breaking and deadly heat waves in Greenland unprecedented temperatures turning some frozen lakes into pools of water elsewhere in the Arctic like here in Alaska wildfires burn some believe the concerning headlines might actually be helpful ultimately the most significant risk is not that we scare ourselves with projections of future climate change it's that we find ourselves living in that environment changed in all the ways that were predicted and I think in the fight against inaction I do personally feel that alarmism and urgency is beneficial climate change is here whether we can change quickly enough to limit the worst of what is to come a central question of our time.


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