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Metaverse World


Metaverse World

The idea of the metaverse goes back to the early 1990s with some very seminal thinkers in computer science like Alan Turing, Ray Kurzweil, and Stanislav Petrov who all envisioned the internet as an “immersive” technology that allowed us to use any device within its reach. While in reality, it is often hard to distinguish between real objects and digital ones, the metaverse will allow for the development of artificial intelligence on an entirely new level. It has become synonymous with human-like avatars and 3D virtual worlds that could be used to immerse ourselves in other people’s lives as well as our own. Imagine you are watching a movie on your phone screen or reading something on a tablet, and then imagine yourself viewing the same thing from a different perspective. For instance, you could watch what appears to be Charlie Brown at first before finding out he was actually just another character who moved through time and space before arriving here in this exact city. This would also open up the possibilities for how we interact with AI in the near future which may not only change how we see our digital world but ultimately how we view and interact with other humans in the physical world.

When I think about myself I often find myself drawn to an avatar that looks exactly like me and even sounds like me. My most recent favorite virtual characters include a woman named Marlon, her mother Maria, and myself whom we can access by accessing the Metaverse. These three are both extremely colorful identities that have gone through numerous iterations over the past few months and have always been able to maintain their own personalities despite having never met each other before.

Marlon, an Ava, and the one I created when she first appeared a century ago.

Maria, my mom, and my grandmother all look very much like themselves and also act like they’re really alive. But they aren’t really talking. They are just projecting their thoughts into my mind and telling me what to do. As long as they don’t talk or show actual emotions, I am happy and excited with everything they say. Maria’s mum Maria, seems completely different than me with a face so beautiful I couldn’t choose to stay. She looks amazing with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, she acts sexy around me, and I love the fact that I can connect with her through these little figures. So while in reality, they look absolutely nothing alike to each other, in theory, they can still have feelings, have thoughts, and ideas, make decisions based on what they know and even have memories of certain things. What they didn’t do was put themselves in human bodies and pretend to be someone else. That’s what comes next.

As exciting as these personalities are, there are some more unique ones that truly bring a whole different level of imagination and creativity to them. A girl named Grace and her green-eyed boyfriend Patrick, a guy called Ryan who appears as a hologram of him, and lastly, I have a boy who can create the persona of a man he loves, Austin, all of whom are living in a virtual world that mirrors ours, or so I thought! So if you have any questions about creating such memorable characters to represent your brand, please drop me a comment below and I can show you how easy it is to build out these virtual worlds and give meaning to our lives with our digital counterparts.

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